Lines Learned By Heart at Shorelines Arts Festival on 18th September Are you fond of rhyme? Do you recall a verse or two of a poem long learned and lovingly remembered? If so, consider coming along to “Lines Learned By Heart” at Shorelines Arts Festival, Portumna. This ever-popular event sees the overall winner awarded the Nicholas Treacy Memorial Prize. The recitation chosen by each participant must be written by a poet prior to 1935 and is to be recited “off by heart” with a time limit of 5 minutes per entrant. A prompter will be on hand to assist if there is any stage fright! The event is held in memory of Nicholas Treacy - a Portumna man who loved words and, in particular, poetry and reciting same. Nicholas, born in 1935, passed away in 2010 but his passion lives on in the lines that will flow on Sunday, 18th Sept from 11.30 am in The Boathouse Bar, Portumna . So get learning those lines! For more information and registration details, see (when the programme is available) or call Noelle on 0872931055. Adult Singing Workshop on 7th September Unmask your voice and gather together to sing with Shorelines Singing Tutor, Rebecca Gilbert. At this group event, vocal chords will be reawakened through a series of warm ups, tunes and above all, the fun of just singing together. After the first Shorelines Arts Festival, many moons ago, the group Omna emerged. This workshop for adult male and female voices opens the door to these early voices and welcomes new people to join in the fun. No previous experience in choirs required, just a need to sing!
Wednesday, 7th September @ 8.00 pm | An Gáirdín, Portumna | €8